- Classrooms
- Play area
- Fully equipped Audio – Visual Room
- Well equipped science labs
- Computer labs
- Library
- Extracurricular activities (martial arts, music, dance, school band etc)]
- Washrooms
- First aid room
- Transportation
When it comes to classrooms, it becomes very important that the ambience and the atmosphere of the classroom are conducive to proper learning, that no child feels threatened or uncomfortable, that is only possible through a combined effort from the teacher as well as the infrastructure. Classrooms are spacious and airy and consist of 35 seats each. Each class has proper lighting, is neat and well-ventilated, and has huge shelves where children’s books and belongings are kept. The teachers shall do their best to ensure that a child feel most comfortable.
The time that a child gets to spend in the school play area is valuable for her/him to grow up close to nature. Thus, the play area plays a very important part in a child’s life. At Lords School, it has been beautifully designed in natural surroundings, with lots of trees to provide shade. Not just that, trees bring about more breeze, attract small birds, and the greenery, altogether lending the area a peaceful ambience all-in-all, making it an even more enjoyable experience for the children. The area is well-maintained at regular time periods. The play area also has swings, slides, merry-go-rounds, etc.
Audio Visual room, as the name suggests, helps students get acquainted better with the concepts by use of audio and visual, which are very interesting and useful for them in many ways. – A place where young Orators , presentators and other artists get trained.
Science is different from any other subject. In order to understand its concepts, one has to look beyond the books and conventional classroom teaching. Effective teaching and learning of science involves seeing, handling, and manipulating real objects and materials.
Science lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own.
Computers have revolutionized much of modern life, either directly or indirectly, and learning how to use them in school is extremely important. Children learn the ins and outs of computers at an early age. At Lords we have a well equipped computer lab where a child can innovate his/her vision.
The school library is a welcoming place for study and reading. The school library is to support the students and teachers by providing access to current, adequate and appropriate information resources. It is also to ensure that all the students, teachers and staff are effectively using the ideas and information. The library encourages the love of reading and development of student’s independent learning skills. All students are given opportunity to refer books and participate in library activities.
We have a wide range of opportunity for a child to grow his/her talents. We have specially trained teachers to give them guidance in dance, music, martial arts, keyboard, school band etc. Stages are held to bring out their inborn talents.
- Clean and hygiene washrooms separate for boys and girls in every floor.
- Safe handling of drinking water.
- Hand washing facility
- Glasses and spoons are provided
A sick room is been set to allow provision of basic first aid care as well as first aid treatment such as minor cuts, scratches, bruising and for bodily injury. A nurse is available for supervision.
There are well maintained school buses and vans to different directions to pickup and drop the child safely. There are efficient and experienced drivers, along with lady van assistant for supervision throughout the journey.
The school day is celebrated every year with grandeur and enthusiasm. The spectacular event witnesses active participation from each and every student at Lords. This, in a manner, builds team spirit ensures that no child shies away from co-curricular activities.